题目编号 标题 解决 提交 通过率
1094Scheduling Lectures000.000%
1445The Highest Profits11100.000%
1470Sea Battle2540.000%
1473Building a New Depot3742.857%
1595Goldbach‘s Conjecture3560.000%
1628Paper Cutting000.000%
1629Bridge Hands000.000%
1663Goldbach‘s Conjecture196827.941%
1744God of the Vile Baskers020.000%
5075Clock Pictures4834.819%
5312I love data structure
5529Boring data structure problem33100.000%
5616The most difficult problem about data structure----Persistent balance tree mixed with Persistent segment tree237109721.604%
7324Triangle: The Data Structure(Problem S5)